Mobile App Development

Best Mobile App Development Company in Bangladesh.

Android / Mobile App Development

Echosoft is one of the best mobile app development company in Bangladesh. Mobile applications build up specifically for use on small wireless computing devices. Such as smartphones, tablets and not for desktop or laptop computers.A well designed mobile app can perform actions much faster than a mobile website. Apps typically store their data locally on mobile devices but websites that generally use web servers.The Benefits of Having an App

  • Increase Visibility to Clients at All Times
  • Build Brand Recognition
  • Expand Customer Engagement
  • To Amplify Customer Loyalty
  • Turn Your App Into a Social Platform
  • Complement Your Website with Mobile App

App Development Process

Our best mobile application development for Android.


Firstly, the development process for mobile apps defines the strategy to turn your idea into a successful app. It is a different process from web development.. You may want to include more in your general business mobility strategy. The goals of an app may differ from those of others. However, the mobility strategy to be considered during the development process still has app-specific implications.In this phase you will:

  • Identify the app users
  • Explore the competition
  • Set the goals and preferences of the app
  • Choose a mobile platform for your app
Our strategy helps to focus your vision on a clear picture of your app idea. For that you can go deeper into the next phase of the mobile application development process.

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At this stage, your app idea takes shape and turns into an actual project. Analysis and planning begin with the definition of use cases. As well as the collection of detailed functional requirements.Once you’ve determined the requirements for your app, create a product roadmap. This includes prioritizing the requirements for mobile apps and grouping these requirements into deployment milestones. If time, resources, or costs matter, define your minimum viable product (MVP) and prioritize it for the first launch.The planning phase is to identify the skills required for your project. For example, iOS and Android mobile platforms use different development technology stacks. Although you want to create a mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. iOS and Android developers should be part of your mobile development team.Did you already choose the name of your app? Mobile app names are like domain names and must be unique in each app store. Check each app store specifically to make sure your app name is not in use yet.

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UI / UX / Wireframe

The achievement of a mobile application relies exclusively upon how the application feels, looks. As well as how well it stands out for users.A mobile application with an amazing design is just the consequence of a productive UI/UX plan. While sophisticated UI design helps with early adoption, your app needs to have intuitive user experience for the app users to stay active.Designers often start designing mobile apps with sketches on paper. Wireframes are the digital form of sketches. Wireframes are conceptual layouts, also referred to as low fidelity models. They give a visual structure to the functional requirements of your app.For wireframes, the focus is mainly on aesthetics and user experience, not on color schemes and styles. Creating wireframes is a quick and cost-effective approach to designing app layouts. Also going through them in the design review process.

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Since mockups display the functionality of your mobile app in static designs. They can become clickthrough prototypes using tools like Invision. Prototypes are extremely useful for simulating the user experience and the end-product expected workflow of the app. Developing prototypes can be time-consuming but it pays off to test the design and functionality of your app at an early stage. Often, prototypes help detect changes to the proposed functionality of the app.Some companies even prefer to create prototypes at a wireframing stage, especially when the functional requirements of an app are not well thought out. Or you need to review the suggested functionality of the app with a focus group.

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We test every mobile application we create on a variety of devices and on different Android versions for maximum compatibility.The interface of your custom Android app is perfectly matched to your brand and the message you want to convey.Echosoft is the best website development company in Bangladesh. We continue to support our customers by soliciting technical support requests and solving the issues that app users may face.

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